How You Can Help

Make a donation

Your donation will help cover the costs of maintaining and improving ShelterPartner. Scroll down to see all the costs associated with keeping ShelterPartner running.

Contribute on GitHub

Most of our code is open source. This means that anybody can submit code to fix bugs, add new features, create tutorials, etc.

Provide Feedback

If you have any feedback on ways ShelterPartner can be improved or work better with your shelter, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!




This involves, responding to emails, creating new features, and making general improvements.



This is the cost of this website and my email.



Zapier is used for automation including account creation.



Jotform allows users to add notes and photos from their personal devices as well as provide feedback and report problems.

Cloud Database


This varies but includes the cost of Firestore Database, Firebase Storage, Cloud Functions, Cloud Scheduler, etc. This cost is roughly proportionate to the number of shelters using the app.

HubSpot CRM


This is software that helps organize the information of all of the animal shelters using the app.

Apple Developer Account


The Apple Developer account allows the app to be listed on the app store


Ben and Renee Jones (Donation)

Lisa Leitermann (Donation)

Renee Jones (GitHub)

Ben and Renee Jones (Donation) Lisa Leitermann (Donation) Renee Jones (GitHub)

Donations (One Time)


Donations (Monthly)


Donations (Yearly)


GitHub Contributions


Active Shelters


Demo Shelters